Our partnerships are bridges between our research and the solutions needed today. Our partners provide the means for us to reach into different countries, cultures, and industries. ISECOM needs partners who are not just committed to improving security but committed to making the kind of security that improves lives.
We choose our partners as carefully as you choose ISECOM. We want partners who are responsible in their business and capable of representing us in their region. A quality partnership means we are committed in each others success and we need you to actively involve our projects in your business.
The ISECOM Licensed Auditor (ILA) is for companies to provide accredited OSSTMM tests and analysis. You can choose the ILA level right for you.
The ISECOM Licensed Auditor (ILA) may carry the ISECOM brand and represent the OSSTMM as both a methodology and a badge of quality auditing. ILAs are promoted and linked from the ISECOM website as a means to generate leads and show potential clients who you are, where you are, and what you can offer them.
are companies which have within their staff multiple OSSTMM security testing and security analysis certifications based on the latest OSSTMM version. OSSTMM Expert ILAs have the extensive capability in building and consulting OSSTMM certifiable methods, strategy, infrastructures, and solutions even on a large scale.
Must be able to perform an OSSTMM security test and analysis based on the latest version of the OSSTMM and provide at least two verifiable ISECOM OPST and OPSA certification names and numbers of the person or persons they currently employ.
Your company logo in a listing on the ILA page on the ISECOM website, which includes:
your company name
up to 4 full addresses for your company
contact e-mails and telephone numbers for each address.
A link to your company website
Qualified to provide an ISECOM certified OSSTMM STAR (Security Test Audit Report) at a discounted price.
Access to regional customer inquiries and leads.
HN Security S.r.l.
Viale Oceano Pacifico, 66
00144 Rome (Italy)
Tel. +39.06.89161268
are companies which have an OSSTMM security tester and analyst on staff based on the latest OSSTMM version. OSSTMM Professional ILAs have the capability and qualifications for building OSSTMM certifiable infrastructures and applications.
Must be able to provide an OSSTMM security test and analysis based on the latest version of the OSSTMM
Must provide at least two verifiable ISECOM certification numbers of the person or persons they currently employ.
Your company logo in a listing on the ILA page on the ISECOM website, which includes:
your company name
your company's full address
a contact e-mail and telephone number.
A link to your company website
Qualified to provide an ISECOM certified OSSTMM STAR (Security Test Audit Report) at a discounted price.
are companies which have an ISECOM certified security staff to perform security tests and analysis based on the latest OSSTMM version. OSSTMM Certified ILAs have the capability and qualifications for testing OSSTMM certifiable infrastructures and applications.
Must be able to provide an OSSTMM security test and analysis based on the latest version of the OSSTMM.
Must provide the name of at least one verifiable ISECOM certification holder in their employ and their certification number.
A listing on the ILA page on the ISECOM website, which includes:
your company name
your company's
full address
link to your company website.
Qualified to provide an ISECOM certified OSSTMM STAR (Security Test Audit Report) at a discounted price.
Tic Defense S.A. de C.V.
Seneca 134 , piso 3, Colonia Polanco, Miguel
Hidalgo, Ciudad de México
are companies which attest that they can provide security tests and analysis based on the latest version of the OSSTMM.
Must be able to provide a security test and analysis based on the latest version of the OSSTMM
A listing on the ILA page on the ISECOM website, which includes:
your company name
country location
link to your company website.
ISECOM Training Partners are authorized to provide official ISECOM training and certification. All training partners keep certified OSSTMM trainers on staff who have received a specialized "Train the Trainer" training directly from ISECOM to assure the highest quality training with the latest ISECOM research. ISECOM Training Partners receive official ISECOM training presentation materials, workbooks, and use our test data center for their students to practice.
Those interested in becoming an OSSTMM certified training center please contact us. We are looking for all regions.
We are also interested in partnering with colleges and universities around the world for integration of the training course in coursework and programs. See our Academic Alliance program.
Apartat de Correus 134
08440 - Cardedeu
Tel: +34 934 8450764
Email: contact@isecom.org
Velperweg 28A
6824 BJ, Arnhem
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 854 011 274
Email: info@parell.nl
Via Luigi Lilio, 62 - 00142
Roma RM, Italy
Near METRO B Laurentina Station
Tel: +39 0696842731
Fax: +39 0696842732
Monbijoustrasse 36
3011 Bern
Tel: +41 31 398 66 66
Fax: +41 31 398 66 69
Dreamlab Deutschland
Alpspitzstrasse 6
82219 Schwindegg
Tel: +49 8082 233 33 99
Dreamlab Technologies Chile
Villavicencio 361 of. 104, Barrio Lastarria, Santiago de Chile 8320129
Tel. : +56 2 632 91 81
Oneconsult AG
Giesshübelstrasse 45
8045 Zürich
Tel: +41 43 377 22 22
Baerenplatz 7
3011 Bern
Tel +41 31 327 15 15
Oneconsult Deutschland GmbH
Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1
80992 Munich
Tel +49 89 248820 600
Email: info@oneconsult.com
The Academic Alliance helps academic organizations aprovides the opportunity to maximize student advantage with needed, real-world security skills backed by ISECOM's professional security certifications.
Under the Academic Alliance program, ISECOM will certify professors and teachers to provide ISECOM training and certifications to matriculated students under a special licensing agreement at a reduced cost.
Perolles 80, PO BOX 32, CH-1705
Fribourg, Switzerland
IT Security Academy Group
Tel: +41 26 429 65 54 (Jean-Roland Schüler)
Fax: +41 26 429 6600